Chicken Quesadillas on George Foreman Grill


  • Ingredients
  • 1 1/2 pounds chicken
  • 1 packet fajita seasoning
  • 2 green peppers, sliced
  • 2 red peppers, sliced
  • 1 medium onion, sliced
  • 2 teaspoons olive oil
  • 1 package tortilla
  • Shredded cheese
  • Salsa


Step 1

Cut chicken into strips and marinate with fajita seasoning in a plastic bag. Preheat the George Foreman grill until the indicator light turns off, and cook the strips for 6-8 minutes or until cooked through. Coat peppers and onions with olive oil and grill for 5 minutes or until done. Line a tortilla with strips, cheese, salsa, peppers, and onions — be careful not to overfill! Fold in half and place on grill, making sure the open side is facing up so the fillings don’t run down the incline. Cook 3-5 minutes until slightly browned, and serve with sour cream.

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