Sweet Jalapeno Slices
By lindaauman

- 4 cups (1 lb) fresh jalapeno peppers, sliced
- 1 large red sweet bell pepper cut into strips
- 1/2 cup chopped onion
- 1 T pickling salt
- Crushed ice
- 1 1/4 cup sugar
- 1/2 cup cider vinegar
- 1 tsp mustard seeds
- 1/2 tsp celery seeds
- 1/2 tsp ground turmeric
Step 1
In a large bowl combine peppers, onion and pickling salt. Add 2 inches of crushed ice. Cover and chill for 2 hours.
Remove any remaining ice. Drain mixture in large colander.
In a large stainless, enamel, or nonstick pan combine sugar, vinegar, mustard seeds, celery seeds, and turmeric. Heat mixture to boiling. Stir in drained pepper mixture. Return to boiling. Ladle pepper mixture into hot, sterilized pint canning jars, leaving a ½ inch head space. Wipe jar rims; adjust lids. Process in a boiling-water canner for 15 minutes.
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