PASTE - Red Bean Paste 紅豆餡
By Aemelia

- 紅豆 Red Bean (340g)
- 水 Water 850g
- 二號砂糖(light brown sugar) 220g
- 塩 Salt 1/2tsp
- 奶油 Buter 3 tbsp
Adapted from
Step 1
1. 紅豆加水煮. Combine Red bean & water, bring to a boil.
2. 煮滾後熄火,再加蓋燜一個小時. Once boiled, turn off the fire and cover with lid for and hour.
3. 一小時後,重新煮開,再熄火加蓋燜一個小時. After an hour, reboil it, cover for another hour.
4. 經過兩個小時,紅豆脹大水份變少. After tow hours, read bean will absorb the water.
5. 再移入電鍋中,外鍋加2杯水蒸煮,蒸好的紅豆試一下軟爛度,夠爛就可以加糖,不夠再蒸. Removed to rice cooker, add 2 cups of water and continue to cook.
6. 趁熱拌入二號砂糖及塩,剛拌好有點濕. Once read bean is soft enough to mash, add in sugar and salt.
7. 放涼後,就會變得較乾,這就是蜜紅豆,可以加入冰品,或是加些水就成了紅豆湯. Let cool, the water will dry out. At this stage, you can add into any dessert or ice cream.
8. 如果想當內餡,就要再炒過,將蜜紅豆放入不沾鍋內炒. If use as paste for bun, lightly mashed and heat on non stick pan.
9. 炒至變糊狀後,加入奶油拌炒. Add in butter.
10. 拌炒至紅豆餡變濃稠就可熄火,放凉後還會更乾,所以也不要炒到變硬,這樣才不會太乾. Once the red bean paste become thicker, turn off the heat, let cool. Over cook the paste will be too dry.
11. 稍凉後的紅豆餡變得較乾. After it cooled, the paste will become dry but just to a nice texture.
12. 表面接觸到空氣會乾的較快,所以要翻動一下.
13. 等完全涼透就可裝袋,放冰箱保存. The paste can be store in fridge once it cooled.
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