Apple Pie Bowl

  • 2
  • 5 mins


  • 1/2 cup apple juice or water
  • 1 Granny Smith apple, finely chopped
  • 1 large banana, roughly chunked into pieces
  • 2 heaping tablespoons Coconut Cream Concentrate
  • 2 tablespoons shredded coconut
  • a few healthy shakes each of nutmeg and cinnamon
  • Generous pinch of sea salt


Step 1

Add apple juice (or water for a less sweet version) to a small saucepan and start to boil. Add in rest of ingredients and cover, cooking on medium heat until the mixture starts to melt together, about 1-2 minutes.

The Coconut Cream Concentrate is the secret ingredient that makes this recipe come together and get all gooey - otherwise, it will separate! Continue to cook to your desired thickness.

Can also make without the shredded coconut for a slightly softer version.

Delicious alone or served with chopped nuts and/or fruit on top; I love roasted macadamias - gives a little of that "crust" taste.

Recipe submitted by Cheryle, Alden NY

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