Bacon Infused Bourbon Whiskey


What are two things real men love? Bacon and whiskey. This recipe teaches you how to create the manliest drink on earth: bacon bourbon!

  • 13
  • 15 mins
  • 25 mins


  • 750 ml Bourbon
  • ~3/4lb bacon OR 1/2 cup of rendered bacon fat
  • Mason Jar(s)
  • Measuring Cup
  • Coffee Filter
  • Coffee Drip


Step 1

Step 1: Cook About 3/4lb Bacon

Do yourself a favor, eat all of the bacon that you just cooked in one sitting. Revenge might be a dish best served cold, but bacon is not.

Step 2: Save 1/2 Cup Rendered Bacon Fat

Step 3: Pour Bourbon Into Mason Jar(s)

Step 4: Pour Bacon Grease Over The Bourbon

Use a 1/2 cup measuring cup or a tablespoon to scoop the rendered bacon fat out of its container. A half cup=8tbsp. Add the grease to a pan and turn the range on low heat. When the fat liquefies, use an oven mitten to pour the bacon grease from the pan into the mason jar that contains your bourbon.

Step 5: Cap Mason Jar, Shake, Store In Cabinet

This is a step that other “How to make bacon infused bourbon” recipes get wrong. Store the mix at room temperature (or slightly higher). I shook the mason jar violently every time I walked into the kitchen, you can do it every 4-6 hours.

Step 6: Put Mason Jar In Fridge After 48+ Hours

Two days of infusing should be plenty, but I waited 3 just to be safe. On the third day, put your mixture in the fridge.

Step 8: Filter Bacon Grease Using Coffee Drip

After about an hour in the fridge, all of the bacon fat should have coagulated into an easy to remove clump. Scoop out the clumped fat and do with it what you wish. It was painful for me to do, but I disposed of it :’(

Filter out the residual fat by pouring the mix through a coffee drip/filter into another container.

Step 9: Make a Bacon Bourbon Cocktail

We will be teaching you how to make a different cocktail using bacon infused bourbon over the next month. I will release one “how to” post every Thursday, beginning next Thursday where we will teach you how to make a Bacon French Toast Cocktail for breakfast!

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