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Goat’s Milk Gelato


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Goat’s Milk Gelato 1 Picture


  • 2 c. goat’s milk
  • 1 c. heavy cream
  • 1/4 c. honey(I think you could also use sugar, i just really like honey)
  • 4 egg yolks
  • 1 vanilla bean



Step 1

Heat the goat’s milk, cream, vanilla bean and honey until just below boiling point. Turn off heat. scrape bean into the mixture. Whip egg yolk until lemony in color. Add milk-cream mixture a little at a time, stirring constantly. Cool. For the lemon flavor I left lemon peels in the mixture overnight (refrigerated) and for the tea I simply dipped a tea bag in the hot mixture and left it to seep for awhile. Then use ice cream machine.

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