Holendaise Sauce


This one is made with a blender. No whipping and adding, all at once. I got it from the a TV show, tried it, loved it.


  • 3 Eggs Yolks
  • Salt & Pepper ( White pepper)
  • 1/2 Tsp Mustard- Creole if you like it a little hot.
  • 1 tsp. Lemon Juice
  • 1/2 Cup Melted butter


Step 1

In Blender - Add the egg yolks
Mustard and lemon juice

pulse the blender about 15 seconds
remove the small glass cover from the blender and set to low speed,
then start to slowly pour the melted butter though the top into the egg mixture.

Butter must be hot, so do not let it set and cool off.

Service over pouched eggs - or any veg.