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Canning Hot Peppers


How to can hot peppers by Agnes


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Canning Hot Peppers 1 Picture


  • 75 pecks hot peppers
  • 15 pecks cold peppers
  • tomatoes
  • onion
  • oil
  • 1 Tbs. salt
  • basil
  • parsley
  • 12 jars (10 sm 2 lg) & lids



Step 1

1. Clean Jars
2. Cut ends off washed peppers then slice them length wise and mix hot and cold peppers.
3. Dip washed tomatoes in water then peel. Squeeze water from tomato.
4. Cut onion and then fry onion with 1/2 -1 inch oil.
5. Boil tomatoes in big pan add a pinch of basil and a pinch of parsley.
6. Fry peppers in the hot oil not too long. Pull them out onto a paper towel to drain oil off.
7. Once peppers are drained put them in with the tomatoes and ad a Tbs. of salt and let it boil for 10-15 minutes.
8. Once 10-15 minutes is over can **note the peppers will be mushy.

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