Rhubarb upside down cake
By lknowles
My family home had a large Rhubarb plant in the back yard. So we had many upside down cakes. This one I watched on TV-The Kitchen, so I wanted to give it a try, and we all really liked it. A little different, but almost as good as Mom's .

- 3 or 4 Stocks Rhubarb - cleaned and chopped in 1" pieces.
- 1 - Yellow Cake Mix
- 1- Cup Sugar
- 1/2 - Cup Honey
- 1 Tsp. Vanilla
- 1 tsp. Nutmeg
Preparation time 35mins
Step 1
Clean and chop Rhubarb in 1 " pieces - Put them in a large bowl
add to them - sugar, honey, vanilla, nutmeg. Mix well.
Put this mixture in the refrigerator over night.
Make the cake mix as directed on the box
In a 9X12 glass baking dish, spray with cooking spray, and add the rhubarb mixture
Spread the cake mix over this mixture and bake in a 375 degree oven until the cake is done. About one hour.
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