Cheezy Zucchini And Pasta Frittata



  • olive oil
  • (5 oz) cooked spaghetti then cut into approx 2” or 3” pieces
  • 2 zucchinigrated – set these aside in a bowl
  • For the thick batter
  • 7 oz firm silken tofu
  • 1/4 cup (vegan milk
  • 2 cups vegan cheese, grated
  • 2 Tbsp nutritional yeast
  • 1 Tbsp gram flour


Step 1


Place all the ingredients, except for the milk, in your food processor, and process for 1 minute or so – then add your milk a little at a time. The consistency of the batter must be thick.

1.Heat up 2 tablespoons of oil in a non-stick pan, and fry the grated zucchini, until they get a little color. It’s possible they will yield their juices, but the juice will evaporate as you fry away. Keep turning them around – 5 minutes . Then remove and set aside in a bowl.
2.Next, add some more oil to the pan, heat it and then add your drained cut up spaghetti. Allow to sit in the pan for a while about 2 minutes or so – then turn it around so that the spaghetti begins to take some color. When it’s turned a little light golden, as you continue to mix, at this point you can add the batter to it, spreading it with a spatula as best you can on the surface. It will not look a pretty sight at this point, but don’t take that too seriously.
3.Allow the frittata to begin to solidify a little, and using a metal spatula, add the zucchini on top, again spreading them as evenly as you can. Gently push the edges, add a little salt, and then transfer the frittata to a well-greased round oven dish, about 8 inches across . Even it out gently with a fork, pour some olive oil on top, and place it in a hot 400ºF for half an hour, or until golden

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