Bread, Kitchen Aid Mixer



  • 2


  • 2 Pkg Yeast
  • 1 1/2 Cups Warm Water
  • 3 Tbsp Butter, Melted
  • 3 Tbsp Sugar
  • 2 Tsp Salt
  • 1/2 Cups Non Fat Milk
  • Flour Enough To Thicken, About 5 Cups


Step 1

Place milk-sugar-salt-butter in a small pan - med. heat and heat until the butter melts.
Add yeast to the warm water and stir into the about ingredients.
Put flour in the mixer bowl - make a hole in the center of the flour, add dough hook and set mixer on 2
Mix until it is all mixed together well.
Place the bowl in a warm place and let it raise until double in size

On a floured board - make loafs and put them into loaf pans- let them raise again until double in a warm place.

Bake @ 350 for about one hour - makes one loaf and a pan of rolls - if you want.

( re calc is one small loaf)