CAKE - Opera Cake



  • Jaconde Cake:
  • 200 g ground almond
  • 150 g caster sugar
  • 6 eggs
  • 50 g butter, melted
  • 60 g flour
  • 4 egg whites (160g)
  • 60 g powdered/confectioners sugar
  • Strong brewed coffee to brush the cake layers
  • Coffee syrup:
  • I used double shot espresso
  • 100 g of sugar to make 100ml of coffee syrup
  • Chocolate Ganache:
  • 250 g Dark Cooking Chocolate, chopped (I used Manner couverture)
  • 250 ml whipping cream (I used double cream)
  • Coffee Ganache:
  • 250 g White Cooking Chocolate (I used Manner couverture)
  • 250 ml whipping cream (I used double cream)
  • 10 g instant coffee


Step 1

Chocolate Ganache:
Heat the cream just until boiling point, turn off the heat. Stir in dark cooking chocolate until melted and makes a smooth and shiny ganache.
Let cool and keep it in the fridge for a night. Before using it, take out from the fridge and mix/whip until fluffy and easy to spread. (I heat cream and pour it over my chocolate till melted and makes a smooth and shiny ganache.. dont hv the patience to keep it overnight.. only chill it for 3hrs)

Coffee Ganache:
Heat the cream till boiling point, turn off heat and add instant coffee bef pouring it over white cooking chocolate)

Beat ground almond, caster sugar and 3 eggs with electric mixer for about 10 minutes.
Beat in the remaining 3 eggs while continue beating for about 10 minutes more.
Drop 2 big spoons of this batter into melted butter, stir until blended, set aside.
Mix the flour with ground almond batter.
Beat the egg whites until frothy, beat in powdered/confectioners sugar while continue beating until it forms soft peaks.
Fold this egg whites into almond batter. Fold in the melted butter that has been mixed with a little almond batter until well blended. (I added 1/3 egg white into almond batter bef pouring the rest of almond batter into egg white)
Divide the batter into 6 pans (22 x 22 cm each), bake 10 minutes in 200 degree Celcius. Let cool on a wire rack. (I suggest u do 2 pan at one go that way ur batter is not expose far too long)