Châteaubriand Marchand de Vin


This is a special party dish, elegant and costly. Select large Chateaubriands of about 1 pound each per serving. Buy marrow bones and have the butcher cut them so the marrow can be extracted in one piece


  • For beef
  • * Chateaubriands; about 1 pound each per person
  • * melted butter, enough to baste Chateaubriands during cooking
  • * beef marrow
  • For sauce
  • 2/3 * 2/3 cup of finely chopped green onions
  • 1/4 * 1/4 pound butter, plus one large pat
  • 1 * 1 cup red wine (preferably a good Bordeaux)
  • 1 * 1 can of brown gravy
  • 1 * 1 dash of cognac
  • * juice of 1 lemon
  • * chopped parsley


Step 1

Prepare beef:
Broil the Chateaubriands. During the cooking, brush them frequently with melted butter and turn them often. Meanwhile, extract the marrow and slice it in thin rounds. Poach these for about 1 minute in boiling salted water.

Prepare sauce:
Sauté green onions in 1/4 pound butter until just colored. Add red wine and cook this down to one half its volume. Add gravy, cognac, pat of butter and the lemon. Sprinkle the sauce heavily with parsley.

When the meat is done to your satisfaction, remove it to hot plates, pour the sauce over each portion and top with slices of poached marrow. With this serve lyonnaise potatoes, watercress, crisp French bread, fruit and cheese. Try a fine bottle of Bordeaux with this.