- 20 mins
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- Roux Optional:
- Package of Polish Kielbasa
- Can of Beer
- Onions, diced
- Flour
- Butter
- Sugar
- White Vinegar
Step 1
1. Saute the onions until carmelized.
2. Boil the kielbasa in a mixture of beer (I used water left over from boiling some pierogies and added a bottle of beer and some previously sauteed onions.)
3. Remove the kielbasa, drain, and cut into oblong rings.
4. If you want a sauce, create a flour, butter, sugar and white vinegar roux and introduce the left-over beer and onion mixture from the boil once the roux is finished. Then, add the kielbasa back to the sauce to cook for a while.
5. If not making a sauce, brown the oblong rings of kielbasa, in vegetable oil with a bit of butter for flavor, adding in previously sauteed. onions.