Homemade Blackberry Vodka


You can use blackberries or raspberries for this vodka. Plan ahead as this recipe takes 3 months to complete. Start it when berries are in season.


  • 4 cups blackberries or raspberries
  • 4 cups sugar
  • 1 bottle vodka
  • 1 large 1/2 gallon pickle jar


Step 1

Place blackberries into jar, then put the sugar on top. Pour vodka over. The container will be almost full. Don't stir. The next day and for each day thereafter for 3 months, turn the jar over and back again. Don't shake. The sugar will start off at the bottom of the jar, the vodka in the middle, and the berries floating on top. Eventually, it all gets mixed. At the end of three months, take untreated cheesecloth or a coffee filter and strain into decanters or bottles.

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